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Fire Cell

Firecell Product Suppliers in Dubai

Our brand features as a part of the EMS Group’s coveted brands’ legion. The parent brand specializes in offering a comprehensive selection of well-researched, tried and tested fire detection solutions – wireless and hybrid. Our brand is a masterstroke in this matter.

The signature Firecell Wireless Fire Detection System is a totally wireless based solution which now incorporates HYBRID technology providing unlimited configuration to meet today’s demanding building requirements around fire safety. Equipped with the EMS-patented Smart Cluster Technology (SMT), the product is cost effective, highly adaptable, and reusable.

Pioneer Electrical LLC is one of the leading electrical suppliers of the finest-rated and highest quality electrical products in the Dubai.We are one of the Authorized Firecell product suppliers in Dubai.We supplies branded products include fire resistant cables,wireless alarms,rubble flexible cables,pvc flexible wires & wiring accessories. Pioneer Electricals is one of the top wholesaler of firecell products in UAE.

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